On His Watch
Since our last visit one year ago, things have heated up. I am sure most of you can express it better (with illustrations) than we can. Lots of heart-felt values being articulated. Many have shared concerns and points of view hoping for understanding and agreement.
What happened? Who started this…this…this mayhem? Whose fault is it? How do we get back to normal. Okay, right now that may be unrealistic. But how do we get to civility, and possibly exchange our perceptions without the boiling of emotions spilling out to make our words have little effect–even dismissed?
In a troubled culture, how do we connect with those who disagree with us? Perhaps even friends and family who may be distancing themselves from us and our viewpoints. All this turmoil coming close to each one of us while Jesus is on His watch? How do we connect in volatile relationships? With the goal for us as connecting–not distancing ourselves. Laying aside “What happened,” how do we step up and ask “What do we do?”
Share our point of view (again)? Explain what is really happening in culture? Tell the truth to those who do not want to hear it from us? Take opportunity to communicate what is wrong and how it can be fixed? Most are not listening to opposing views.Most are not asking for help with their perception. In fact, everyone seems convinced of their own perception. Attempting to help someone who does not have a NEED for help? Need is the key word. Every day each of us pursues our personal needs in varying degrees. In the case of our unfolding perception, if we don’t have a need, we are not inclined to listen for more. And if we even “think” we know what someone is going to say, we can easily check out and wait for our opportunity to tell it like it is.
Jesus has always been in hostile cultures. He appeared in a hostile political, and religious, culture. He has always been persecuted and mistreated. He continues to be attacked. If the Scriptures are true, and He is “the Head,” and His body is the church, then, over the centuries, in all the nations, He knows persecution better than we can imagine. Every side and every angle of it. And He says because of our relationship with Him, and because of what He has done inside of us, we will be targeted and misjudged. It is just a matter of time.
The truths of Jesus that we ingest over a lifetime
change us from the inside out
His truths etched in our hearts changes us. And can change others. We are different from the cultures from which we emerge. Called out by Jesus we have a stronger citizenship, a stronger allegiance, His truth and Spirit percolating inside of us. Jesus knows and He is on His watch.
When there is a huge shift in culture, He does not miss it. If darkness seems to increase, He, the Light of life, has a way through it. He never tells us to fight fire with fire.
Life change for someone always starts
with someone who will listen and hear between the words
Persuade persuade persuade? No one wins. His way is to disarm the enemy. Disarm and diffuse. Insert something into the relationship that no one ever expected. He catches others just like He caught us. Grace, mercy, compassion, gentleness. Like Him, He expects us to collaborate with the Holy Spirit to win the day, to influence culture by connecting with the hearts of individuals. Dependent on His wisdom and truth–and with His love. We are the rescued ones. We are in the world, but not of the world. Descriptively, in culture but not of culture. We are different with different beliefs, different world view, and different perspective. But it can only be heard and received the Jesus way.
We have a spirit that is operating inside of us. We are spiritual beings who connect with the wisdom and power of the Father. We go not with words of persuasion, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. Even if we don’t feel it. His truth and revelation is stronger than our feelings. He is the one who brings revelation. Without revelation no one sees. Simply our mission is to drill down and listen to the heart of the irate, the angry, the offended. We have words that change lives if we can get the words in there. We come as listeners. To be a listener just like when at a needed time someone listened to us. And not let someone’s inner turmoil provoke our reactions.
Doing the unexpected–heart change can start by listening to someone’s troubled story
We, the rescued, are building a bridge to hep someone. That’s the plan. That’s who we are. In a climate when no one is even thinking of building a bridge to help someone who is lost in the horror of darkness. Moral darkness is horrible. Frustrating, empty, confusing, bleak, hopeless, lonely, fearful.
No one thrives during darkness–
except when one of the redeemed reaches out.
As I write these words to you, a reminder. Darkness is where we were all heading if we let our self-centeredness and pride rule the decisions in our life. If we had dismissed Jesus and His immense kindness our lives would be a moral wreck filled with anger and turmoil. Because of Him we are completely different with the Spirit of truth inside. Truth without love pushes people around. Love holds them, assures them, we are on their side. We are made for this. Jesus’ way is to send the Redeemed to the needy. One heart at a time. Because we have felt what they feel.
We were rescued. After a number of years that “rescued feeling” can be desensitized. But we are still reaping the benefits of being rescued as we hold on. Change in culture is accelerating and happening rapidly on many fronts. But none of this takes Jesus by surprise. In fact, He saw it coming and He uses it for His special ones to grow in great measure. His sons and daughters. Through the centuries He has continually been in the middle of personal circumstances that scream ugly things, and do harm to His sons and daughters. He sees it. He knows it is just noise. Where we thought it was our doom.
Many simply live in loneliness and fear
with no one who sees them and will stop for them.
He just loves to show up where there is moral decay and darkness, when people are troubled and exhausted by worry and fear. Jesus loves to show up through His sons and daughters who are putting Him first in their lives. Seeking His heart, needing His peace, His wisdom, His intervention in messy relationships. We live in a relational world at every turn created by a relational Father. He is in charge. He is God. We cannot proceed in heart-health without Him. Jesus is brilliant and desires to continue to move through His own children with His brilliance. That is His eternal plan: Us. We are a part of His movement to change hearts one at a time. No one changes hearts like Jesus.
In His vision there is a group of people who make a difference regardless of the degree of hostility that is in their culture. Actually, a group that navigates through the heated extremes of hate and intolerance. Is this group irrelevant in America? Culturally ineffectual? How does the “church” bring good news, or hope, or rescue, or grace, or compassion: into mayhem and hostility? Will the church face hostility in America? If it does, what do we do?
Historically, the church has been here before in many other nations. In fact, the church in adversarial countries is more the norm. Discredited, ridiculed, legislated against, criminalized, slandered, ostracized, physically assaulted, rudely removed from jobs and properties, even tortured and murdered. Essentially, persecuted. A very hard pill to swallow if one has been used to a degree of space and respite.
Full of mystery, the God of this world is God.
He has dominion and moves through His children.
The church is spreading across the globe even in this moment, advancing. Most tribes and people are resisting the truth and saving grace in mean-spirited ways. But the church is different. We don’t fight kind for kind, or retaliate for being mistreated. The church is His body. His nature, His character, His Spirit makes up His body. The body of the One Who rules and reigns. Who knows in minute detail exactly what is happening in each culture, each nation, across the globe. God being God is that big. He sees the future unlike any of us. He sees what is coming and He has a plan that started before the beginning began. This is the God of Genesis and Revelation. He has a strategy. As the Head of the body His work will be hidden in the lives of those who stay fixed on Him. No one but He can see into us; everyone else will only see how we respond. How we respond to bad behavior. We will feel Him, and we will catch glimpses of His hand at work in our circumstances.
This is how we go out on His watch:
“So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.” Col. 3:12-15
We keep coming back to the Father each morning for a fresh start. Getting our hearts right for a new day. We are His plan to connect with others.
Much love in these days,
Mike & Kalyn
Personal note: we are here in Tulsa until the Lord opens up travel for us to step into those places where He has highlighted for us to make a difference. He does that for each one of us. We will keep you posted.